Christie Gardens

Accessibility Statement

Christie Gardens is committed to serving all stakeholders with excellence including persons with disabilities. The following documents are available upon request:

These documents are available in various formats. Please contact us if you require accessible formats and communication support for these documents or any information required for your visit to Christie Gardens.

Your feedback is important to us. Feedback on how we provide services to people with disabilities may be provided to:

Christie Gardens Apartments and Care
RE: Accessibility Feedback
600 Melita Crescent
Toronto, ON M6G 3Z4


Phone: (416) 530-1330

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (Integrated Accessibility Standards, 2024 — 2029)

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), was passed in 2005. The purpose of The Integrated Accessibility Standards enacted under AODA is to break down barriers and obstacles that keep people with disabilities from easily managing basic activities.

Statement of Commitment

Christie Gardens is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA.

We are committed to meeting our current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non-discrimination.

This multi-year accessibility plan will assist Christie Gardens in meeting the requirements of AODA and how it will work towards improving accessibility and removing barriers for persons with disabilities.

This plan is reviewed at least once every five years by the Leadership Team.

The standards applicable to Christie Gardens are: Customer Service, Information and Communication, and Employment.

2012 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
General; Provide Accessible Customer Service: Establish policies and procedures of providing services to persons with disabilities according to principles as set out in the regulation. Upon request provide the policy in an accessible manner.
Policies and procedures established
Customer Service; Service Animals and Support Persons: Establish policies and procedures around a person with a disability being accompanied by a service animal or support person.
Policies and procedures established
Feedback: Establish a written process for receiving and responding to feedback and making progress available.
Policies and procedures established
Notice of Temporary Service Disruption: In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities Christie Gardens will notify customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
Procedures developed
Completed and ongoing
Training: Provide training to all employees, volunteers and other staff members on AODA Customer Service Standard including topics set out in the legislation. Ensure training is provided on an ongoing basis to reflect changes to policies/procedures. Keep records of training including dates and number training.
Education program
Information and Communication Standards; Provide accessible emergency and public safety information: Christie Gardens prepares emergency procedures and plans and makes them available. Christie Gardens will provide the information in an accessible format or with support as soon as practicable upon request.
Emergency information that is publicly available will be provided in an accessible format when requested
Employment Standards; Workplace Emergency Response Information: Provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have identified themselves as having a disability affecting their ability to evacuate independently.
Inform employees that this accommodation is available should they need. Encouraged to declare for their safety if they need assistance in an emergency

2014 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
General; Establishment of Accessibility Polices: Develop a Statement of commitment and accessibility policies and make the documents publicly available and in an accessible format.
Policy has been updated and is available upon request
Multi-Year Plan; Accessibility Plans: Establish, implement, maintain, and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organizations strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards. Post and communicate the plan in an accessible manner. Review and update at least every five years.
Plan posted and reviewed by leadership team at least once every five years
Ongoing (review)
Self-Service Kiosks: Consider accessibility of persons with disabilities when designing, procuring, or acquiring self-services kiosks.

2015 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
General; Training: Provide training to all employees, contract staff and volunteers on the requirements of the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards and the Human Rights Code as it pertains to the persons with disabilities as soon as practicable
Updated orientation checklists and training documents
Completed and ongoing
Ensure that any persons who participate in the development of Christie Gardens policies is trained as well as those who provide services on Christie Gardens' behalf as soon as practicable.
Updated training documents and information manuals
Completed and ongoing
Information and Communication; Feedback: Ensure that Christie Gardens processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports upon request.Notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.
various accessible formats in place: verbal/non verbal, in person/mail, etc. Public notified of the availability

2016 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
Information and Communications; Accessible Formats and Communication Supports: Upon request, provide accessible formats and communication support for persons with disabilities:
  • in a timely manner that takes into account the person's accessibility needs due to disability
  • at a cost that is not more that the regular cost charged to other persons
  • Consult with the person making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support
  • notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.
Updated policies
Employment Standards; General Recruitment: During the recruitment process, notify job applicants about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities.

Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process: Notify employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants in the recruitment process.

Notice to Successful Applicants: When making offers of employment, notify the successful candidates of Christie Gardens' policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
updated recruitment process to include statement in job postings

Those taking part in the process have been informed

Language added to employment offers
Informing Employees of Support: Notify Christie Gardens employees about the policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Provide updated information when there is material change to the existing policies.
Onboarding materials to be updated to include information on the availability of accommodations

Update policy manual for annual check ins
Accessible formats and Communication Supports for Employees: Upon request, consult with an employee to provide either provide or arrange the provision of accessible formats and communication supports needed to perform their job and information generally available in the workplace.
updated policies to include the requirement of accessible formats

treated on an individual basis going forward as requests are made
Completed and ongoing
Workplace Emergency Response Information: Provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have identified themselves as having a disability affecting their ability to evacuate independently.
Inform employees that this accommodation is available should they need. Encouraged to declare for their safety if they need assistance in an emergency

Reviewed when there are changes or when the emergency plans are reviewed
Completed and ongoing
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans and Return to Work process: Implement a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return to work policies for employees that have disabilities.
included with RTW program for employees
Christie Gardens will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans when:
  • providing career development and advancement to employees with disabilities
  • redeploying employees with disabilities
  • applying performance management
Responsibility of Human Resources to review and ensure accommodations are reviewed at time of discussions
Completed and ongoing

2017 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
Design of Public Spaces; Accessible Off-Street Parking: Christie Gardens shall insure that AODA requirements are met when constructing new or redeveloping off street parking that it intends to maintain.
Exterior Paths of Travel: Christie Gardens shall ensure that AODA requirements are met when constructing new or redeveloping paths of travel (that are not regulated by the Ontario Building Code).
Maintenance: Christie Gardens will establish procedures for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces as required under the Accessibility Standards for the Build Environment. This will include temporary service disruptions when accessible elements under the Integrated Accessible Standards Regulation are not in working order.
Developed procedures

Signage is posted and/or arrangements made to have staff stationed to assist and provide accommodation as needed

2021 Requirements
Accessibility Standards and Action Items
Actions Taken
Information and Communication Standards; Ensure internet websites and web content conform to WCAG 2.0 guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to level AA.
Website update performed using W3C style sheet.
Review of barriers internally: Christie Gardens Leadership team reviews and updates the internal accessibility plan for items outside of the Integrated Accessibility Standards on an annual basis. These items are not available to the public.
Annual review by Leadership along with other risk management practices

Last Reviewed and Updated: August 2024

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